Ad campaigns make me go crazy because not only do they provide amazing imagery for us fashionloco's but the way that they capture the essence of said collection at hand is just mindblowing to me. To say "hey, this is what we stand for/ what inspired us/ and the woman/man we encompass", although a bit patriarchal, is a beautiful thing to me. Fashionable direction.- that's what I like.
I've been covering the ad campaign trail for the s/s 2011 season in a little post (← click, click, click!) and although they all give me all types of visual awesomeness, there are 2 that drench me in a haze of creative imagery ecstasy. They are as follows:

I'm definitely a bit bipolar by choosing these two; Valentino is beautifully shot with highlights of class and ethereal elegance, while Lanvin's is all kinds of cat-fight crazy and one evil text message away from a Gossip Girl blast. But both just take me "there"-- I'm not exactly sure where "there" is (perhaps 2 hours away north of Narnia?) but "there" I am. Splendid.
Head on over to my Campaign Frenzy post and let me know which one(s) get's your juices flowing! :)
images via tfs
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pure bliss love the b/w valentino adverts! gorgeous! xoxo
Not a fan of the kitten heels in Valentino but Feda is perfect in every shot!!. I dont really get the Lavin campaign are they fighting! but amazing shots.
awesome awesome awesome.
I love both of them!
Oh my great,so fabulous..!!!!Adorable LANVIN campaign!!!!
I looooove the Lanvin Campain! Awesome!!!
I looooove the Lanvin Campain! Awesome!!!
Hum, Crazy Post :)
las fotos de Lavin´s son geniales!!
Have u seen this sunglasses from Valentino! woow!!! I have nooo wordss to explain!
I have to recognize that I didn´t like Valentino but now with the change I am beginmning to love it! hahahaha
See U!!! xoxo
these are some pretty gratz (lame play on words?) choices especially the lanvin one, also wanted to say I think your fashion viral Wednesday's are awesome and important I'm glad to have some to keep me completely updated and constantly exposing me to new things. That is pretty inspiring what you've got going right there
hahaha, i looooooooooove the lanvin campaign. there's just something about how catty and superficial it is that pleases me
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