"I'm awesome because I am not afraid to fall,
nor ashamed to stumble.
Because I never wanted to be beautiful,
and I never pretended to be."

Friday, April 29, 2011

now presenting the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge-- it's the royal wedding, mothalovahs!!!

The royal wedding, the royal wedding, the r o y a l wedding. I was about to jump out of my one story window (yes, I'm dangerrrrouuuuss!) if I came across it one more time this past week. Obviously it was a big deal but for me, not so much. But last minutely I realized that it was going to be the second most important wedding of the world (my marriage to Olivia Palermo being the first, obviously...) and I had to take notes to ensure the royals wouldn't upstage O and I. So I grabbed some string cheese and big jug of wine to add some fancy-shmancy ambience to the experience and plopped myself right in front of the tellie (ooh, I'm British!) to see it all go down from 1 am to 5:30 am. 
I've got to praise discounted wine because it turned me into some crazed Royal groupie. I think there was even a point where I was speaking to Harry and William as if I were with them in Westminster Abbey. In an British accent, too. Booze, sleep deprevation and Royal shenanigans are a great combination! Anyways, then I saw Kate Catherine come out of her Rolls Royce...
Click for more snaps of her dress, my thoughts, and even a shot-by-shot of the WHOLE ceremony (yes, I'm fucking crazy!) ↓↓↓

Holy greatness did she look breathtakingly beautiful, graceful, and classically lovely. She looked like, well, royalty. Truly befitting of a princess and a Queen-to-be. But I soon realized I was more taken aback by the whole experience than by her actual dress. As you SHOULD know by now, it was an Alexander McQueen creation by Sarah Burton. Because of this and the fact that Kate is relatively young, I expected some BAM! Maybe not a loud bam but at least a whisper of a bam. I know they were trying to go for something classic and modern but I didn't really see any modernity to it. I saw Grace Kelly. Which is absolutely an amazing thing to capture but I thought that a dress as famous as people had made Kate's dress out to be, I felt it should've made a fashion statement of grandeur. I'm no fashion guru but I do know what makes my fashion juices going and Kate's dress didn't slap me in the face with awesomeness. BUT again, she looked beyond magnificent and probably one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen. It may not have been a fashion moment but it was a beautiful moment.
As I mention, I became a Royal groupie and because of that I felt compelled to document the wedding, so I whipped out my iPhone and started shooting away at my tv screen as it happened LIVE.
For being slightly drunk, a zombie from pulling an all-nighter and the images coming via my iPhone, I think they came out damn well. I plan on making a little booklet and sending it over to Buckingham Palace. Mario Testino, prepare yourself because I'm 150% sure I will be the new Royal Photographer of the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Holler!

So what did ya think? Did you watch it? Do you also want a fancy little hat with feathers to put on your head (I do!)? Are you also confused as to why Prince Williams didn't at least wear a toupée or weave? Tell me!

images via the googles and my superb iPhone skills on LIVE tv

follow my shenanigans on twitter!


Pepa Xavier said...

Oh you're becoming European!! lol I watch it from 8 am to 2h30 pm. I'm totally Royal groupie. And I watch it with my Philip Treacy's imaginary hat.

ice pandora said...

String cheese <3
Yes I've totally watched the wedding! I was super excited since yesterday.
If Kate didn't wore that lace bolero it would have looked modern.
Her sister looks also veeeerry beautiful!


Bisous Natasha said...

There's still Harry motherlovah !!! Goddam they looked extra fine in those military suits, I would have had Harry right there in that carriage in front of 2 billion viewwers. *sigh* Well at least Kate got Will to put a ring on it.

die Bia said...

Kate was sooo gorgeous *.*

xoxo, bia.

Jakub Mańkowski said...

hey, everybody was talking about it! ;)


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