"I'm awesome because I am not afraid to fall,
nor ashamed to stumble.
Because I never wanted to be beautiful,
and I never pretended to be."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

when did street art get so serious? never fear OaKoAk is here!

I love when I'm walking around with my Café Americano in hand and then happen to stroll by some kind of street art. I enjoy how it takes me away from my world and thrusts me into a little escape of WTF because usually they never make sense with their surrounding. Love eclectic juxtapositions! Yet what I've noticed is that many street "installments" are actually very heavy in their nature. Although I do think some pieces are beyond brilliant, sometimes it's nice to just get a good hoot out of something for the sake of just being hilarious & FUN. Enter, the art of French street artist OaKoAk.
Sometimes the best statement is no statement at all but just plain humor. I find his work uplifting and makes me feel like a little giddy kid. I especially love how he gets inspired by the fixtures around him and then creates a little somethin-somethin to take it to the next level. Major kudos to whomever OaKoAk is!! =)

images via OakoAk's blog.

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LOLA FINN said...

It´s really fantastic and so funny! I like it!

ice pandora said...

This would made my day if I ever bump into OaKoAk works :)


KC said...

oh they're so cute and funny.


All images/videos/blahblahblah that appear on the site are copyright by their awesome owner and THE FSC claims no credit nor ownership for them, just mad love and appreciation.