"I'm awesome because I am not afraid to fall,
nor ashamed to stumble.
Because I never wanted to be beautiful,
and I never pretended to be."

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Think We're Alone Now = Stalk-umentary!!

Whhhhaaaat the sweet baby Jesus is this load of crazy!!?? I'm still all dazed and stupefied by the creepyness that unfolded. But at the same time I'm highly intrigued by this hair-rising duo and I totally want to know what drives their surreal pathological "love" for the '80's pop singer. But then again I shouldn't be too quick to judge either-- like in all good stories, there are always two sides to be told and for some reason I feel that it may be a sad one for both these fanatics :/
Want to know more about this documentary? Click here.

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